Our Courses

Would you like to unlock your full potential?
If so, check out our training catalogue.

With The GKW Online Learning courses, you can set yourself up to be the best you can be.  With these courses, it will allow you to understand the topics, and implement them within your own facility.

All New Workshops!

LEAN Courses


Change Management

Change Manager

communication & observation


gemba walks

hour by hour


kotter’s 8 steps

Lean Introduction

little’s law

LEAN Courses

process mapping

Pull systems

quick change over

standard work

Tier meetings

takt time

total productive maintenance

value stream mapping

visual management

LEAdership Courses

lean leadership

lean leadership & culture

leader standard work

communication skills

giving & receiving feedback

effective meetings

high performance teams



coaching skills

six sigma Courses

yellow belt

green belt

black belt

Quick Changeover (E-Learning)

Quick Changeover or SMED (Single-Minute Exchange of Die) is a lean manufacturing technique aimed at reducing equipment setup and changeover time. By streamlining and simplifying the process, SMED enables faster and more efficient equipment transitions, leading to increased productivity, reduced downtime, and improved overall operational efficiency.

1 hr


5S is a lean methodology for workplace organization and efficiency. It stands for Sort, Set in Order, Shine, Standardize, and Sustain. By systematically organizing and maintaining a clean and efficient work environment, 5S enhances productivity, safety, and quality while reducing waste and inefficiencies.

1 hr

Lean Training Bundle

Unlock the secrets to operational excellence and streamline your processes with our comprehensive Lean Training Course Bundle. Perfect for beginners and seasoned professionals alike, this bundle covers everything you need to know to implement Lean methodologies effectively within your organization. Includes (Lean Intro, 5S, Visual Management, Mistake Proofing, Process Mapping, 8 wastes, Problem Solving, Kaizen, Littles Law, and Gemba Walks)

10 hr

Standard Work

Standard work is an essential building block to your lean enterprise. It is a tool designed to document work functions performed in a repeatable sequence, which are agreed to, developed, and maintained by each team member, be it on the production floor or within a service and administration office environment.  Within this course, participants will learn the purpose, practices and techniques designed to make standardize work increase and sustain your lean improvement goals.

1 hr

Change Management

Change management is the mechanism that guides how we prepare, equip, and support individuals to successfully adopt change to drive organizational success and outcomes. In this course, we will explore how to lead change, and promote lean transformation in great detail. This course relies on coaching sessions and activities to provide practice implementing change management concepts and tools.

1 hr

Gemba Walks

A Gemba Walk (also known as Process Walk) is an informational tour of the area where the work is taking place and is an essential part of the lean management philosophy. In this course your will learn how to structure your walks, the purpose of the walk, how to observe the process, engage employees, and explore opportunities for improvement.

1 hr

Takt Time

Customer demand is in a constant state of instability. To meet demand and run your processes in the leanest and most efficient way, you need to define takt time for your work process. Takt time is the rate at which you need to complete a product or service to meet customer demand. This one hour Lean Solutions Academy course will introduce you to the concept of Takt Time, when to use it, and how to effectively calculate it.

1 hr

Total Productive Maintenance

Total productive maintenance (TPM)aims to reduce loss and waste related to the condition and maintenance of production equipment. This maximizes productivity over the lifetime of these resources by maintaining: equipment in a better than new condition, and information that is current and accurate. During this course, you will learn what Total Productive Maintenance, or TPM, is, the benefits of TPM, who should be involved, and how to develop your own TPM program.

1 hr

Communication and Observation

Effective communication and observation within an organization increases commitment and decreases resistance towards change while engaging the employees in continuous improvement processes. It can be the difference in a strong robust lean management system and one that fades away leaving disappointment, frustration, and resentment. During this course, we will explore the importance of communication and observation in a lean environment, how to appropriately structure them, and ways to improve.

1 hr

Process Mapping

Process Mapping enables teams to visualize what is going on in a process and identify areas in need of improvement. This course will teach you the tools and techniques to create and analyze a process map. Upon completing this course, you will be able to run basic Process Mapping workshops in any organization.

3 hr

Pull Systems

A Pull System is located in the Just-in-Time pillar of the House of Lean. It is a lean technique that is used to control the flow of work by only replacing what has been consumed. This means that the trigger for work to be done is when a customer demands for it. As a lean leader, following the just-in-time philosophy, your organization will have the opportunity to create a pull system and apply it to your current production processes.  Within this course, we will review types of inventory systems, benefits and elements that make up a pull system and the criteria needed to implement.

1 hr


Failure Modes and Effects Analysis (FMEA) is a tool for identifying all the potential failures in a process, product, system, or design. It helps teams predict and therefore prevent possible issues from occurring, saving organizations time and money. This course offers a thorough grounding in FMEA and will teach you to use the tool with success.

3 hr

Communication Skills

Communication is so essential to our success, but many of us are unwittingly giving the world a message that we’d rather not. By completing this short course, you can gain insight into what you could improve on, and build a plan that’s tailored to you.

1 hr

Giving and Receiving Feedback

The thought of feedback can often be frightening, both for those providing it and those receiving it. Given untactfully or taken badly, it can be demotivating and damage working relationships. But when done well, feedback can be an extremely powerful and positive tool. Our Giving and Receiving Feedback training course will hone your ability to provide constructive feedback to the benefit of all involved.

1 hr

Effective Meetings

Learn to facilitate productive meetings that truly engage your team and get real results. On completion of this course, you will have gained practical facilitation skills and have a strong understanding of the dynamics and structure of an effective meeting.

1 hr

Influencing Skills

This course explores the art of influencing and will teach you how to understand others and communicate effectively in order to gain support. Learning from effective influencers and reflecting on your own strengths and weaknesses, the course will help you become a confident and successful influencer.

1 hr

Self-Esteem Assertiveness

Gaining positive self-esteem will help you become more assertive, confident and enjoy more positive personal and professional relationships. This course is designed to help you realize your value and boost your self-esteem. You will learn how setting goals and thinking positively can increase your chance of success, and complete the course with a strong understanding of your value.

1 hr

Coaching Skills

This two-hour Coaching Skills Training course begins by exploring the role and responsibilities of a coach and helps you perform a personal assessment of your current coaching abilities. You will then be provided with the knowledge, tools, and techniques to develop into an effective and adaptable coach. This includes all the essentials of coaching, from models and structures for creating successful coaching plans to the development of your coaching intuition; that voice that tells coaches what to say, how to say it, and when to say nothing at all.

1 hr

Intro to Lean

Lean manufacturing is a systematic approach focused on eliminating waste, improving efficiency, and maximizing value in manufacturing processes. By optimizing flow, reducing defects, and involving all levels of the organization, lean manufacturing aims to achieve higher quality, shorter lead times, and increased customer satisfaction while minimizing costs and resources.

1 hr

Value Stream Mapping

Value stream mapping (VSM) is a lean management tool used to visually map and analyze the flow of materials, information, and activities within a process. It identifies value-added and non-value-added steps, enabling organizations to identify opportunities for process improvement, waste reduction, and increased efficiency.

1 hr

Leader Standard Work

Leader Standard Work is a tool that defines what a leader must do to ensure a successful day. It ensures processes are performed on a regular basis. Leader Standard Work guarantees process consistency. The intent of utilizing Leader Standard Work is to ensure the most important activities related to a role are completed every day. Leader Standard Work provides structure and predictability for the leader and members.

1 hr

Lean Leadership & Culture

Lean Leadership and Culture explores the roles, behaviors, and actions needed to effectively lead people in a lean environment. Participants will learn the proficiencies needed to exhibit and foster engagement, motivation, and trust that leads to high performing teams. In addition, the course explores the practices of leadership self-development, importance of communication channels and the 7 characteristics persistently shown in highly successful cultures.

1 hr

Lean Leadership 13 Week Course

Discover the essential skills and principles needed to lead your organization towards operational excellence with our Lean Leadership course. Designed for current and aspiring leaders, this course offers a dynamic blend of theory and practical insights to help you inspire change, drive efficiency, and foster a culture of continuous improvement.


Hour by Hour

Hour by Hour is a simple, powerful data gathering tool that measures the difference between actual performance & the process capability as it accumulates hourly. The advantage of this kaizen template is in its simplicity to track real time performance and promotes the leadership behavior of going to the Gemba to understand the situation. Hour by hour boards are a great way to spot trends that are keeping you and your team from reaching their goals, and satisfying your customers.

1 hr

Visual Management

Visual management is a way of communicating key messages and information in a visual way that can be understood, without much thought, by anyone and everyone. The concept of visual management is that everyone entering a workplace should be able to see, “at a glance” the process, and be able to manage every element of it. Information presented visually is processed faster than information presented in text form. This course will show you how to use visual management to your advantage.

1 hr

Tier Meeting

As part of the daily management system, Tier meetings are a structured approach to achieve daily adherence to standards, both in the functional offices and in the work areas. In this 1-hour course, we will cover the objectives, benefits, and different levels of Tier meetings. A structured approach for leaders to strengthen employee focus on process outcomes, align teams, escalate issues when needed, identify opportunities for improvement, drive sustainable change, and achieve business objectives.

1 hr

Kaizen Introduction

Lean Kaizen events, also known as Kaizen Blitz or Rapid Improvement Workshops, are a systematic approach to identifying and eliminating problems in a short period of time. A popular Business Improvement method for organizations around the world, they are proven to increase efficiency and ultimately save businesses time and money.

1 hr

Little's Law

Improve your time management skills with our online Little’s Law training course. Little’s Law is an equation that demonstrates that the more tasks we take on, the longer it will take to complete each task. The equation and theories of Little’s Law are simple but effective. When applied correctly, they will transform your efficiency, both personally and professionally.

1 hr

Kotter's 8 Step Model

Change management skills are essential to anyone in a position of leadership. By exploring Kotter’s 8 Step model through this interactive course, you will gain a clear guideline to implementing a smooth change process as well as essential change management skills. On completion, you will be able to apply the model to your own projects to ensure successful and sustainable change.

1 hr

Change Manager

Change is an inevitable part of both our personal and professional lives. While many shy away in fear of the unknown, those with the skills to face it head-on and manage it well see challenges transform into success. This online course is a great way to gain such skills. Consisting of 23 interactive eLearning modules on each integral skill of an effective Change Manager, you will learn what it takes to be a powerful change agent that is unafraid to lead the way. From how to communicate with others effectively, to strategies for successful planning, you will complete the course with a comprehensive toolkit to Change Management.

5 hr

Voice of the Customer

Voice of the Customer training is essential to help you understand how to define success within your organization. This course provides huge benefits to the companies that implement it by giving them a starting point to improve and illustrate what their customers value. It also explores the importance of customer segmentation, and how certain key segments could provide the most value to your business, despite being the smallest. The five-hour interactive online course also reminds learners that it is not just those who use our products and services that are our customers; we must also recognize the customers inside our organizations and regulators.

1 hr

High Performance Teams

Learn the strategies, techniques, and communication skills needed to build and lead effective, high-performing teams that get results. On course completion, you will feel greater confidence in your ability to manage others and form positive working relationships.

1 hr


Idea generation is a major part of many aspects of business. It often takes center stage at the start of a new project, when you take on a client, or as the first step in solving an internal or external problem. The tool most of us turn to, instinctively, when we need to generate some great ideas or solutions is brainstorming. It is something we are familiar with, often having used it at school or college.

1 hr

Six Sigma Virtual Courses

Six Sigma Yellow Belt Course

The Six Sigma Yellow Belt certification provides individuals with a foundational understanding of process improvement methodologies and basic statistical analysis. Yellow Belts contribute to project teams, assist with data collection, and support process improvement initiatives within organizations.

Six Sigma Green Belt Course

The Six Sigma Green Belt certification equips individuals with in-depth knowledge of process improvement methodologies, statistical analysis, and project management. Green Belts lead projects, analyze data, implement improvements, and drive significant performance enhancements within organizations, working closely with Black Belt team members.

Six Sigma Black Belt Course

A Lean Six Sigma Black Belt course is an advanced program that equips professionals with the skills to lead complex process improvement projects within organizations. It combines Lean and Six Sigma methodologies to eliminate inefficiencies and defects, focusing on statistical analysis, project management, and leadership.

Looking For More Course Options?

We have new courses times being added regularly. Request notification when the next course time will be available.  Have enough people on your entire team needing to get certified, request a course dates just for your team.

NEW Workshops!!

Lean Principles Workshop

This Lean Principles 1 Day Workshop provides the attendees with an introduction to:  – Lean Tools that includes a Lean Overview, 5S /Visual Controls, Kaizen, Value Streams, Kanban/Just in Time, and Setup Reduction. By leveraging these detailed applications of lean tools your organization can enhance operational efficiency, optimize resource utilization, and deliver higher-quality product to Customers.

Advanced Lean Techniques Workshop

This Advanced Lean Technique 2 Day Workshop provides the attendees with an in-depth introduction to Problem Solving, Six Sigma and Theory of Constraints. Workshop to include training on Root Cause and Corrective Action, Several Tools to Identify Real Root Cause, How to Correct Root Cause and how to Sustain the Gain.  By leveraging these detailed applications of lean tools your organization can enhance operational efficiency, optimize resource utilization, and deliver higher-quality product to Customers.

Mistake Proofing - Poka-Yoke Workshop

This Mistake Proofing (Poka-Yoke) 2 Day Workshop provides the attendees with an in-depth introduction to Mistake Proofing that includes an introduction to Poka-Yoke Techniques. Workshop to include What is Mistake Proofing, Everyday Examples, Effectiveness and ROI, Inspection Techniques and Types of Poka-Yokes. This Workshop will assist in analysis of historical data and conduct failure mode and effects analysis (FMEA) to identify common errors and defects in road construction and maintenance activities. Will also support design processes with built-in error-proofing mechanisms such as checklists, visual prompts, and automated inspections. Also training to conduct regular audits to ensure compliance with error-proofing measures and continually refine processes to minimize the risk of defects and errors.

Advanced Value Stream Mapping and Financial Analysis Workshop

This Advanced Value Stream Mapping and Financial Analysis 5 Day Workshop provides the attendees training using Value Stream Mapping to map the process, review the process for Throughput Improvements, Identify Actions, Timing and Owners for execution of actions. Will work through the process of evaluating the proposed process improvements and the impact on the Financial Performance of the organization with focus on Profit, EBITDA and Cashflow improvements. Training will cover the use of QI Macros and assistance in developing a Financial Model to support the impact analysis to the Financial Statement.